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September Community Association Meeting


Memorial Parkway Community Association Board Meeting

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


MPCA Clubhouse

The Board of Directors will meet in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse (21600 Cimarron Parkway) on the Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 7pm. The meeting is open to all members of the Association. Please see the link to a PDF of the September Board Meeting Agenda

  1548 Hits
1548 Hits

Call for Candidates - 2024 Board Member Election

2024 Solicitation of Board Candidates

An elected Board of 5 Directors manage the affairs of the HOA. Each of the Directors is elected for a 3-year term. The 5 Board positions are staggered in rotation meaning every year there is at least one Board position up for re-election.

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  1648 Hits
1648 Hits

Cimarron Parkway Park Amenity Addition Survey

Cimarron Parkway Park Amenity Addition Survey
Please take the quick survey to help in future planning for the CP Park.
  1530 Hits
1530 Hits

Harris County Constables Pct 5 Report July 2023

Harris County Constable Pct 5 
Beat Activity Report 
Mental Health6
Criminal Mischief3
Assault Family1
Aggravated Assault1
Injury to Child1
Burg of Habitation1
Open Door Window1
Theft Other2
Fraudulent Use ID2
Property Found/Lost1
Silver Watch2
Suspicious Person17
Vehicle Suspicious2
Vehicle Abandoned2
Traffic Stop15
Alarm Local3
Alarm Rep Site1
Disturbance Family1
Disturbance Loud Noise4
Disturbance Fireworks2
Disturbance Other2
Drug OD Possession1
Animal Humane3
Animal Aggressive1
Discharge Firearms3
Meet the Citizen40
Information Call24
Meet the Officer1
Welfare Check2
Follow Up 5
Incident Report1
Check Park5
Contract Check 86
Death Notification1
Neighborhood Check77
Traffic Hazard2
Traffic Initiative5
Accident Minor6
911 Hang Up1
Computer Crime1
Total Calls337
  1468 Hits
1468 Hits

August Community Association Meeting

Memorial Parkway Community Association Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
*moved to committee night due to National Neighbor's Night Out Cookout pool side with movie.
MPCA Clubhouse
The Board of Directors will meet in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse (21600 Cimarron Parkway) on the Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 7pm. The meeting is open to all members of the Association. Please see the link to the meeting agenda. 
  1366 Hits
1366 Hits

August Newsletter


Please see the link to the AUGUST NEWSLETTER

  1485 Hits
1485 Hits

Open Deed Violations July 2023

Open Deed Restriction Violations7/21/2023
Architectural 8
Basketball Goal3
Dumpster or Pod2
Exterior Lighting1
Flags & Flag Poles1
Home Exterior 
 Dirt & Mildew17
 Exterior Paint22
 Exterior Repair9
 Gutters & Downspouts15
 trim bushes3
 dead landscaping15
 sago palms trim2
Lawn Maintenance  
 bare spots55
 mowing, edging, grass in seams85
 grass in seams34
 street curb debris4
Outdoor Furniture0
Satellite Dish0
Stored Items51
Swimming Pools & Spas0
Trash Containers80
 dead tree3
 leaves & tree debris9
 low tree branches5
 palm tree1
 recreational vehicles3
 window a/c unit1
 window treatments10
 damaged glass or screen8
  1427 Hits
1427 Hits

Proud Pie Pop Up - Friday, July 21st


Proud Pie Mobile Pop Up at Memorial Parkway!!!

The Pie Squatch is coming to your neighborhood with delicious slices of pie!!

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  1363 Hits
1363 Hits

July 24th - 28th Adjusted Pool Hours

July Leak Repair Pool Hours
The Highland Knolls pool has 5 leaks in the plumbing under the pool decking. Unfortunately the pool will need to be closed for the repairs to be made. The repairs are estimate to take 3 days.
The Highland Knolls pool will be closed this Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday July 24th - 27th.
Cimarron Pool will be open late until 9pm on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Both pools will be closed on Thursday, July 27th as it is Cimarron Pool's cleaning day.


The cost of the leak detection was $3,733.00 and the leak repairs are estimated to cost $9.665.00 for a total repair cost of $13,398.

  1360 Hits
1360 Hits

Seeking Vendors for Fall Craft Fair

IMG 1565

Seeking Vendors for Fall Craft Fair!! Saturday, September 30th!!

Registration now open!!
Booths are available on a first come, first serve basis. At this time, we are offering only (6) indoor booths and (10) outdoor booths but more outdoor booths may be considered depending on the vendor response and interest. Vendor applications that don’t qualify or are not confirmed will be notified and refunded entry money within 2 weeks of application submission.
Applications can be dropped off at the MPCA office during normal business hours or emailed electronically to Michelle Collins (contact email below). Payment must be made for the application to be processed. Payments can be dropped off at MPCA with application or to Michelle Collins directly. No refunds will be issued if vendor cancels due to the purchase of supplies and additional signage.
We welcome brand vendors (i.e. Mary Kay, Scentsy, Color Street...) however; we limit one vendor per national product. We welcome unique and handmade items too! We will not be allowing any food items to be sold at booths without a food handlers card.
A vendor’s packet will be emailed out to all confirmed vendors by August 30th, 2023. The vendor’s packet will include vendor set up information, instructions, and requirements.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1493 Hits
1493 Hits

Dive-In Movie & Cook Out

Dive In Movie Night

Please join us for Dive-In Movie & Cookout in honor of National Neighbor’s Night Out!!

Tuesday, August 1st at 7pm at Cimarron Parkway Pool

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  1865 Hits
1865 Hits

Harris County Constable Pct 5 June 2023

Harris County Constable Pct 5 
Beat Activity Report 
Mental Health5
Assault Family1
Burg Motor Vehicle1
Theft Other2
Fraudulent Use ID4
Silver Watch5
Terroristic Threat1
Suspicious Person11
Vehicle Suspicious2
Vehicle Abandoned1
Traffic Stop14
Vehicle Speeding3
Alarm Local10
Alarm Holdup1
Illegally Parked Vehicle3
Disturbance Family1
Domestic Prevent2
Disturbance Loud Noise6
Disturbance Fireworks1
Disturbance Other5
Animal Humane1
Discharge Firearms1
Warrant Service3
Meet the Citizen47
Information Call13
Welfare Check2
Follow Up 3
Incident Report5
Check Park5
Contract Check 56
Vacation Watch2
Neighborhood Check79
Accident FSGI1
Traffic Hazard1
Traffic Initiative9
Accident Minor3
Unk Medical Emergency2
Total Calls314
  1488 Hits
1488 Hits

Open Deed Violation Count as of June 2023

Open Deed Restriction Violations6/22/2023
Architectural 10
Basketball Goal3
Dumpster or Pod2
Exterior Lighting0
Flags & Flag Poles3
Home Exterior 
 Dirt & Mildew24
 Exterior Paint24
 Exterior Repair1
 Gutters & Downspouts7
 trim bushes1
 dead landscaping14
 sago palms trim7
Lawn Maintenance  
 bare spots51
 mowing, edging, grass in seams85
 grass in seams34
 street curb debris0
Outdoor Furniture0
Satellite Dish0
Stored Items45
Swimming Pools & Spas1
Trash Containers49
 dead tree2
 leaves & tree debris6
 low tree branches0
 palm tree3
 recreational vehicles3
 window a/c unit0
 window treatments8
 damaged glass or screen3
  1559 Hits
1559 Hits

Splash Day!! Tomorrow! Saturday, June 24th


Let’s kick of the swim season with a neighborhood pool party!! Splash Day!! It’s the biggest pool party of the year. We will have pool games, door prizes, pizza, drinks and ice cream. Saturday, June 24th from 12pm-3pm at the Cimarron Parkway Pool. We hope to see you pool side!

  1724 Hits
1724 Hits

June Committee Meetings


Your Memorial Parkway Community needs YOU! We need volunteers to offer their talents in a variety of roles to help support our HOA functions and activities. If you value the events and services that our HOA offers, please consider volunteering so that we may continue to serve our great community! We are looking for volunteers for the Grounds, Recreation, Facilities, Architectural Control and Security committees. If you would like to volunteer, please come to our meeting on the 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7pm in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse to learn more about the needs of these committees.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


MPCA Clubhouse
21600 Cimarron Parkway
Katy, TX 77450

  1661 Hits
1661 Hits

July Community Association Meeting


Memorial Parkway Community Association Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 18, 2023
*moved to committee night due to July 4th holiday.


MPCA Clubhouse

The Board of Directors will meet in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse (21600 Cimarron Parkway) on the Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 7pm. The meeting is open to all members of the Association. Please see the link to a PDF of the July Board Meeting Agenda HERE.

  1604 Hits
1604 Hits

Proud Pie Pop Up



Proud Pie Mobile Pop Up at Memorial Parkway!!! The Pie Squatch is coming to your neighborhood with delicious slices of pie!! Perfect desert to your Saturday family dinner!! Come by the clubhouse/pool to pick up a slice!!

  1425 Hits
1425 Hits

Splash Day


Let’s kick of the swim season with a neighborhood pool party!! Splash Day!! It’s the biggest pool party of the year. We will have pool games, door prizes, pizza, drinks and ice cream. Saturday, June 24th from 12pm-3pm at the Cimarron Parkway Pool. We hope to see you pool side!

  2098 Hits
2098 Hits

Harris County Constable Pct 5 May 2023

Harris County Constable Pct 5 
Beat Activity Report 
In Progress Life in Danger5
Criminal Mischief1
Aggravated Assault1
Fraudulent Use ID1
Credit Card Abuse1
Property Found/Lost2
Silver Watch6
Missing Person1
Terroristic Threat2
Suspicious Person7
Vehicle Suspicious7
Vehicle Abandoned2
Traffic Stop5
Vehicle Stolen1
Vehicle Speeding2
Vehicle Recovery1
Alarm Local7
Stranded Motor Vehicle1
Illegally Parked Vehicle1
Disturbance Family1
Disturbance Loud Noise2
Disturbance Other1
Meet the Citizen32
Information Call10
Welfare Check1
Follow Up 3
Incident Report1
Check Park1
Contract Check 80
Neighborhood Check53
Traffic Hazard2
Traffic Initiative12
Accident Major1
Accident Injury1
Accident Auto/Pedestrian1
Unk Medical Emergency2
Total Calls263
  1372 Hits
1372 Hits

Proud Pie Event - CANCELED

Proud Pie has canceled their pop up event scheduled for today at Memorial Parkway. We are sorry for the inconvenience and will advertise the rescheduled date when we Proud Pie confirms their availability. 

  1389 Hits
1389 Hits

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