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Proud Pie Pop Up in Memorial Parkway Sunday June 4th


Proud Pie Mobile Pop Up in Memorial Parkway!!! The Pie Squatch is coming to your neighborhood with delicious slices of pie!! Perfect desert to your Sunday family dinner!! 

Sunday, June 4th from 5:30pm to 9pm or sell out!!

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  1500 Hits
1500 Hits

Facilities Closed Thursday, June 1st


The HOA facility buildings at Cimarron Parkway and Highland Knolls will have new roofs installed on Thursday, June 1st. Due to the construction, the pools and clubhouse will be closed on Thursday, June 1st. We apologize for any inconvenience, but are exited to have new roofs at both facilities. 

  1369 Hits
1369 Hits

June Community Association Meeting

Memorial Parkway Community Association Board Meeting
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
MPCA Clubhouse
The Board of Directors meets in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse (21600 Cimarron Parkway) on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm. The meeting is open to all members of the Association. The June monthly Board Meeting, will be Tuesday, June 6, 2023. Please see the link to a PDF of the June Board Meeting Agenda HERE
  1333 Hits
1333 Hits

Open Deed Violation Count as of May 2023

Open Deed Restriction Violations5/22/2023
Architectural 50
Basketball Goal1
Dumpster or Pod3
Exterior Lighting0
Flags & Flag Poles1
Home Exterior 
 Dirt & Mildew35
 Exterior Paint23
 Exterior Repair4
 Gutters & Downspouts12
 trim bushes2
 dead landscaping22
 sago palms trim5
Lawn Maintenance  
 bare spots48
 mowing, edging, grass in seams145
 grass in seams42
 street curb debris1
Outdoor Furniture0
Satellite Dish0
Stored Items41
Swimming Pools & Spas0
Trash Containers59
 dead tree5
 leaves & tree debris8
 low tree branches1
 palm tree7
 recreational vehicles2
 window a/c unit0
 window treatments4
 damaged glass or screen5
  1576 Hits
1576 Hits

MPST Car Wash Saturday

IMG 0787

Memorial Parkway Swim Team Car Wash This Saturday, May 20th

Dirty cars needed! 
Donations accepted! 
Please support our Marlins! 
Thank you! 

  1676 Hits
1676 Hits

Floral Design Class


Come make a beautiful floral arrangement with your neighbors!!


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  1502 Hits
1502 Hits

Memorial Parkway Community Garage Sale


MPCA would like to request that garage sales be conducted the first Friday and Saturday of each month. This will eliminate the many signs that are out each week and would also makes for a stronger turn out. Most area communities only allow sales twice a year. Memorial Parkway could be known for its “Once a Month” garage sales.

June 2nd & 3rd
July 7th & 8th
August 4th & 5th
September 1st & 2nd
Do not attach your garage sale signs to the STOP signs, as it is against the law and the County can issue citations for this. If a sign is on a public right of way, like the esplanades), they may be subject to fines of $500-$1000 per occurrence per day. We also ask that you do not post your signs on the property of another resident. When your sale is over, please go back and pick up all of your signs.
  1966 Hits
1966 Hits

May Committee Meeting

Your Memorial Parkway Community needs YOU! We need volunteers to offer their talents in a variety of roles to help support our HOA functions and activities. If you value the events and services that our HOA offers, please consider volunteering so that we may continue to serve our great community! We are looking for volunteers for the Grounds, Recreation, Facilities, Architectural Control and Security committees. If you would like to volunteer, please come to our meeting on the 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7pm in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse to learn more about the needs of these committees.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
MPCA Clubhouse
21600 Cimarron Parkway

Katy, TX 77450 

  1566 Hits
1566 Hits

Harris County Constable Pct 5 Beat Activity Report April 2023

Harris County Constable Pct 5 
Beat Activity Report 
Mental Health5
Assault Sexual Child1
Open Door Window1
Fraudulent Use ID2
Credit Card Abuse1
Property Found/Lost1
Silver Watch6
Suspicious Person5
Vehicle Suspicious1
Vehicle Abandoned3
Traffic Stop3
Alarm Local6
Disturbance Family4
Domestic Prevent1
Disturbance Loud Noise2
Animal Humane3
Animal Aggressive2
Discharge Firearms1
Meet the Citizen29
Information Call10
Welfare Check4
Follow Up 2
Incident Report5
Check Park4
Contract Check 52
Neighborhood Check67
Accident FSGI2
Traffic Hazard1
Traffic Initiative10
Accident Minor3
Accident Auto/Pedestrian1
Unk Medical Emergency1
911 Hang Up3
Total Calls242
  1379 Hits
1379 Hits

Open Deed Violation Count as of April 2023

Open Deed Violation Count as of April 2023

Open Deed Restriction Violations4/28/2023
Architectural 106
Basketball Goal1
Dumpster or Pod4
Exterior Lighting0
Flags & Flag Poles4
Home Exterior 
 Dirt & Mildew30
 Exterior Paint21
 Exterior Repair6
 Gutters & Downspouts12
 trim bushes3
 dead landscaping21
 sago palms trim8
Lawn Maintenance  
 bare spots52
 mowing, edging, grass in seams81
 grass in seams29
 street curb debris2
Outdoor Furniture0
Satellite Dish0
Stored Items38
Swimming Pools & Spas0
Trash Containers67
 dead tree7
 leaves & tree debris13
 low tree branches3
 palm tree7
 recreational vehicles4
 window a/c unit0
 window treatments6
 damaged glass or screen4
  1568 Hits
1568 Hits

Marlins Swim Team Registration : Still Open!!

2023 Registration: Still Open!
Wanted: New Marlins!…
Join us for…
• Summer fun!
• Developing swim skills
• Building self-confidence 
• Enjoying individual accomplishments 
• Participating in a recreational and competitive team sport

Ages 4-18 with basic swim skills. See website for details.
We’re especially seeking swimmers in the following age groups to round out our relay teams…
Ages:   4-6
Ages:  9-10
Ages: 13-14
Ages: 15-18
New swim family? Got questions?
Visit our website, email, and/or join us!
New Parent Info Meeting:
April 23rd, Sunday
Memorial Parkway Clubhouse
21600 Cimarron Parkway
Adults only, please.
Hope to see you there!
New Swimmer Evals: April 29
1st Practice Day: May 1st
Advertise with us to support your local business and our Marlins! Visit to learn more!
Memorial Parkway Swim Team is a non-profit organization. We appreciate your support! 
Go Marlins! 
  1666 Hits
1666 Hits

Harris County Constable Pct 5 Beat Activity Report March 2023

Harris County Constable Pct 5 
Beat Activity Report 
In Progress Life in Danger1
Mental Health13
Open Door Window1
Theft Other2
Silver Watch2
Missing Person2
Suspicious Person17
Vehicle Suspicious4
Vehicle Abandoned2
Traffic Stop4
Vehicle Speeding1
Vehicle Recovery1
Alarm Local4
Alarm Holdup1
Domestic Prevent2
Disturbance Loud Noise3
Animal Humane1
Animal Aggressive1
Discharge Firearms1
Telephone Harrassment1
Meet the Citizen39
Information Call18
Meet the Officer2
Welfare Check6
Follow Up 4
Incident Report2
Check Park1
Contract Check 110
Neighborhood Check44
Accident FSGI1
Traffic Hazard3
Traffic Initiative7
Accident Major2
Accident Minor3
Unk Medical Emergency3
Stationary Visibility Patrol2
Total Calls313
  1454 Hits
1454 Hits

Shred Day for Mud #81 Residents


Community Shred Day for Mud #81 Residents

Saturday, April 22nd

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  1543 Hits
1543 Hits

May Community Association Board Meeting

Memorial Parkway Community Association Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
MPCA Clubhouse
The Board of Directors meets in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse (21600 Cimarron Parkway) on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm. The meeting is open to all members of the Association. The May monthly Board Meeting, will be Tuesday, May 2, 2023. Please see the link to a PDF of the May Meeting Agenda.
  1552 Hits
1552 Hits

April Committee Meetings

Your Memorial Parkway Community needs YOU! We need volunteers to offer their talents in a variety of roles to help support our HOA functions and activities. If you value the events and services that our HOA offers, please consider volunteering so that we may continue to serve our great community! We are looking for volunteers for the Grounds, Recreation, Facilities, Architectural Control and Security committees. If you would like to volunteer, please come to our meeting on the 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7pm in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse to learn more about the needs of these committees.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
MPCA Clubhouse
21600 Cimarron Parkway

Katy, TX 77450 

  1457 Hits
1457 Hits

Submit the ACC Form for Approval for a Roof Replacement


Due to the recent hail damage our community received, we would like to remind everyone about exterior modification requirements. If you plan to replace your roof, you are required to contact the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) for approval by submitting the ACC Request Form. When repairing or replacing your roof, you are required to use a material and color that matches the appearance of your existing roof and is in keeping with the style of adjacent roofs.  

When replacing your roof with one of the pre-approved shingle color and brands, approval from the ACC will be automatic (but the ACC still needs to be notified). If you would like to a copy of the pre-approved shingle color list please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request a copy.  

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  2037 Hits
2037 Hits

Marlins Swim Team Registration & Discounted Typhoon Texas Tickets Fundraiser



Register your kids for Marlins Swim Team and get discounted Typhoon Texas Waterpark Tickets on the Marlins Swim Team Page. 

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  1739 Hits
1739 Hits

Spring Craft Fair - Tomorrow - Saturday 3/25

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Memorial Parkway Spring Craft Fair 

Saturday, March 25th

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  1447 Hits
1447 Hits

Memorial Parkway Egg Hunt


Join us for our annual Egg Hunt & Spring Party!! Sunday, April 2nd from 1pm to 2pm. The EGG HUNT will start at 1pm. We will have our favorite clowns, Daisy & Curly, doing face painting and balloons for the kids. We will hunt eggs with the Easter Bunny, enjoy snacks and play on the playground! Bring the family and come out to enjoy the afternoon at the playground. Cimarron Parkway Playground, 21600 Cimarron Parkway, Katy TX 77450. Memorial Parkway Residents. 

  1812 Hits
1812 Hits

April Community Association Board Meeting

Memorial Parkway Community Association Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
MPCA Clubhouse

The Board of Directors meets in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse (21600 Cimarron Parkway) on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm. The meeting is open to all members of the Association. The April monthly board meeting, will be Tuesday, April 4, 2023. Please see the link to a PDF of the April Meeting Agenda

  1546 Hits
1546 Hits

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