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Monthly Payment Option for Annual HOA Fee

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Simplify Your Budgeting with Monthly Payments for MPCA Annual HOA Fees! Homeowners Association (HOA) fees are a necessary aspect of many communities, providing essential services and maintaining property values. However, the annual lump-sum payment required can sometimes be a financial strain for homeowners. To alleviate this burden and streamline budgeting, we offer the option of monthly payments for annual fees.
This approach has proven beneficial to many of our homeowners. Paying a large sum of money once a year for HOA fees can disrupt household finances, especially for families on fixed incomes or tight budgets. Monthly payments spread the cost of HOA fees throughout the year, making them more manageable and reducing the financial strain.
For many homeowners, paying smaller monthly amounts is more affordable than a single large payment. This affordability can make it easier for homeowners to remain in good standing with the HOA and avoid late fees and penalties.
Homeowners can set up automatic monthly payments, through the homeowner portal (fees associated) or through their own personal online banking bill pay (free).
By adopting this approach, we want to support our residents in managing their finances more effectively while fostering a stronger sense of community participation and financial stability. We are here to help you set up payments now for the 2025 annual assessment. Please call us today at 281-492-2949 if you would like assistance in setting up monthly payments.
  1360 Hits
1360 Hits

Open Deed Violations February 2024

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Open Deed Restriction Violations2/21/2024
Architectural 4
Basketball Goal4
Dumpster or Pod2
Exterior Lighting0
Flags & Flag Poles4
Home Exterior 
 Dirt & Mildew21
 Exterior Paint12
 Exterior Repair6
 Gutters & Downspouts7
 trim bushes0
 dead landscaping1
 sago palms trim0
Lawn Maintenance  
 bare spots0
 mowing, edging, grass in seams34
 grass in seams3
 street curb debris4
Outdoor Furniture0
Satellite Dish0
Stored Items51
Swimming Pools & Spas0
Trash Containers95
 dead tree12
 leaves & tree debris6
 low tree branches1
 palm tree0
 recreational vehicles4
 window a/c unit0
 window treatments6
 damaged glass or screen5
  1288 Hits
1288 Hits

March Community Association Board Meeting


Community Association Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

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  1298 Hits
1298 Hits

February Committee Meeting

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Tuesday, February 20, 2024
MPCA Clubhouse

Your Memorial Parkway Community needs YOU! We need volunteers to offer their talents in a variety of roles to help support our HOA functions and activities. If you value the events and services that our HOA offers, please consider volunteering so that we may continue to serve our great community! We are looking for volunteers for the Grounds, Recreation, Facilities, Architectural Control and Security committees. If you would like to volunteer, please come to our meeting on the 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7pm in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse to learn more about the needs of these committees.

  1239 Hits
1239 Hits

Harris County Pct 5 Constables Report January 2024

Harris County Constable Pct 5 
Beat Activity Report 
Mental Health2
Robbery Aggravated1
Criminal Mischief2
Assault Family1
Indecency w/ Child1
Child Custody Dispute1
Theft Other1
Credit Card Abuse1
Property Found/Lost 
Silver Watch6
Suspicious Person8
Vehicle Suspicious10
Vehicle Abandoned3
Traffic Stop10
Alarm Local6
Stranded Motor Vehicle3
Disturbance Family1
Domestic Prevent2
Disturbance Loud Noise4
Disturbance Other2
Animal Humane7
Animal Aggressive1
Discharge Firearms1
Meet the Citizen46
Information Call20
Meet the Officer1
Welfare Check8
Special Assignment2
Follow Up 2
Incident Report2
Check Park3
Check Parking Lot2
Contract Check 223
Neighborhood Check78
Traffic Initiative13
Stationary Visibility Patrol23
Accident Major1
Accident Minor5
Unk Medical Emergency3
Computer Crime1
Arson Fire1
Total Calls511
  1472 Hits
1472 Hits

February Newsletter

February 2024 Newsletter Blog

Please see the link to the February Newsletter

  1673 Hits
1673 Hits

MPCA Splash Pad Survey for Cimarron Parkway Park

We invite your valuable input on the potential installation of a splash pad by the MPCA Board of Directors. Your opinions matter! Please take a moment to share your thoughts through this survey, helping shape the decision-making process for this exciting project. Your feedback will contribute to creating a community space that aligns with the preferences and desires of our residents. Thank you for participating!!
  1401 Hits
1401 Hits

Guest Speaker Announcement



Exciting News for Our Next Meeting!

Dear Members and Residents,

We are thrilled to announce that our next meeting will feature a distinguished guest speaker, Maida Guillen, Community Engagement Coordinator, with Harris County Pct 4 Commissioner Lesley Briones Office. Ms. Guillen will be sharing the current events and projects for the county.

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 6th at 7pm as we gather to hear from our county representative.

  1608 Hits
1608 Hits

Open Deed Violations January 2024

Open Deed Restriction Violations1/19/2024
Architectural 5
Basketball Goal1
Dumpster or Pod2
Exterior Lighting0
Flags & Flag Poles3
Home Exterior 
 Dirt & Mildew10
 Exterior Paint13
 Exterior Repair4
 Gutters & Downspouts4
 trim bushes0
 dead landscaping3
 sago palms trim0
Lawn Maintenance  
 bare spots0
 mowing, edging, grass in seams37
 grass in seams2
 street curb debris0
Outdoor Furniture0
Satellite Dish0
Stored Items30
Swimming Pools & Spas0
Trash Containers93
 dead tree13
 leaves & tree debris7
 low tree branches1
 palm tree0
 recreational vehicles3
 window a/c unit1
 window treatments7
 damaged glass or screen2
  1211 Hits
1211 Hits

Katy East Community Plan & Mobility Survey from HC Pct 4

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Take the 20 question survey and let your voices be heard Memorial Parkway!!

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  1418 Hits
1418 Hits

February Community Association Board Meeting


Community Association Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

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  1379 Hits
1379 Hits

January Newsletter

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Please see the link to the JANUARY NEWSLETTER

  1432 Hits
1432 Hits

January Committee Meeting

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Tuesday, January 16, 2024
MPCA Clubhouse


Your Memorial Parkway Community needs YOU! We need volunteers to offer their talents in a variety of roles to help support our HOA functions and activities. If you value the events and services that our HOA offers, please consider volunteering so that we may continue to serve our great community! We are looking for volunteers for the Grounds, Recreation, Facilities, Architectural Control and Security committees. If you would like to volunteer, please come to our meeting on the 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7pm in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse to learn more about the needs of these committees.

  1433 Hits
1433 Hits

Harris County Pct 5 Constables Report December 2023


Harris County Pct 5 Constables Report December 2023

Beat Activity Report 
Mental Health1
Assault Family1
Indecent Exposure1
Child Custody Dispute1
Burg of Habitation1
Open Door Window1
Theft Other3
Fraudulent Use ID1
Property Found/Lost1
Silver Watch2
Terroristic Threat1
Suspicious Person11
Vehicle Suspicious10
Vehicle Abandoned1
Traffic Stop8
Vehicle Stolen1
Vehicle Recovery1
Alarm Local6
Alarm Rep Site1
Illegally Parked Vehicle5
Disturbance Loud Noise1
Disturbance Fireworks4
Disturbance Other2
Animal Humane2
Animal Aggressive3
Discharge Firearms1
Warrant Service1
Meet the Citizen30
Information Call14
Welfare Check6
Special Assignment2
Follow Up 6
Incident Report4
Contract Check 105
Vacation Watch3
Neighborhood Check32
Accident FSGI1
Traffic Hazard2
Traffic Initiative3
Accident Minor2
Arson Fire1
Stationary Visibility Patrol4
Total Calls290
  1475 Hits
1475 Hits

Open Deed Violations December 2023

Open Deed Restriction Violations 
Architectural 3
Basketball Goal3
Dumpster or Pod0
Exterior Lighting0
Flags & Flag Poles1
Home Exterior 
 Dirt & Mildew10
 Exterior Paint17
 Exterior Repair7
 Gutters & Downspouts8
 trim bushes1
 dead landscaping12
 sago palms trim1
Lawn Maintenance  
 bare spots0
 mowing, edging, grass in seams42
 grass in seams4
 street curb debris0
Outdoor Furniture0
Satellite Dish0
Stored Items27
Swimming Pools & Spas0
Trash Containers88
 dead tree20
 leaves & tree debris9
 low tree branches6
 palm tree0
 recreational vehicles6
 window a/c unit2
 window treatments8
 damaged glass or screen4
  1527 Hits
1527 Hits

2023 Holiday Light Contest Winners


We loved driving through the neighborhood looking at all the decorations. It really makes the subdivision looks so amazingly pretty when decorated with holiday lights. Thank you to everyone who has decorated their lovely homes throughout the subdivision. We appreciate your efforts in spreading the holiday cheer!!

Drum Roll Please....
The winners for the 2023 Holiday Light Contest are:
21231 Park Royale Drive
21118 Park Tree Lane
1515 Park Wind Drive
21123 Park Brook Drive
21303 Park York Drive
1303 Park Knoll Lane
21615 Park Bend Drive
21603 Park Villa Drive
21451 Park Timbers Lane
21458 Park Bishop Lane
21406 Park Rock Lane
  1738 Hits
1738 Hits

Holiday Light Contest!! Tuesday, December 12th


Santa's Elves will be driving through Memorial Parkway looking for the best Christmas Light Display. They have 10 prizes to give away to the best decorated house in Memorial Parkway. To participate, please be sure your lights are turned on from 6:30pm to 8:30pm on Tuesday, December 12th. If you would like to nominate a address, please send an email with address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!!

  1313 Hits
1313 Hits

Harris County Pct 5 Constables Report November 2023


Harris County Constable Pct 5

Beat Activity Report for the Month of November 2023

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  1373 Hits
1373 Hits

January Community Association Board Meeting

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January Community Association Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

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  1387 Hits
1387 Hits

Santa Parade!! This Saturday at Noon!!


Santa will be coming through the neighborhood this Saturday, December 2nd at noon. We are very excited to share the holiday spirit with our neighbors!! The local fire truck, constables, kids groups and local organizations  will be walking and biking through the Memorial Parkway streets. Santa will stop off at the Cimarron Parkway Playground for cookies before heading back to the North Pole!!

The Parade starts at Memorial Parkway Junior High and will go down Park Brush to Park York to Park Meadow to Cimarron Parkway ending at the Playground with Cookies!!
If you would like to join the parade, we would love to have you and your group join us!! Please arrive at the Memorial Parkway Junior High parking lot on Highland Knolls Drive at 11:30am to line up for the parade.
  1532 Hits
1532 Hits

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