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Board Members

The MPCA Board of Directors meets at 7 pm the first Tuesday of every month.

 All Meetings are held at the Cimarron Clubhouse.

 All homeowners are welcome to attend.    


Board of Directors

Linda Rossman - President 

Michael Olsen - Vice President

Mike Brahm - Treasurer

Bill Fisher - Secretary

Sarah Gemmell - Director at Large


The Memorial Parkway Community Association is governed by the Declaration of Covenants and operates according to the By-Laws of the Association. An elected Board of 5 Directors manage the affairs of the Association. Each of the Directors is elected for a 3-year term. The 5 Board positions are staggered in rotation meaning every year there is at least one Board position up for re-election. The Board of Directors is required to determine the policies of the Association. Each Director must use his or her best discretion, care and diligence in the performance of their duties. The Directors do not receive compensation for their services.   One of the major responsibilities of the Association is to protect your investment and enhance the value of your property. The Association provides for the maintenance and operation of the common areas and facilities. The Association is also responsible for enforcing the covenants. Your Association Annual Assessments provide funds for the maintenance of the common areas, security by the Constables, landscaping of the green areas, pool cleaning and maintenance, lifeguard fees, mosquito spraying, electricity to streetlights and facilities, administrative expenses, etc.

Homeowners can find PDF copies of all Board Meeting Agendas, Board Meeting Minutes, Governing Documents (ACC Guidelines, CC&Rs, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and other filed policy documents), and Annual Budget in the Homeowner Portal. If you would like to request a copy of the Year to Date Budget, Balance Sheet or Income Statement please request via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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