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Deed Restriction violations not resolved as of August 25, 2016

Deed Restriction violations not resolved as of August 25, 2016.

Basketball goals                   1

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  3250 Hits
3250 Hits

Deed Restriction Inspector Job Opening

Memorial Parkway Community Association has a job opening for a Deed Restriction Driver. The position requires a person who is capable of driving the neighborhood in their own vehicle and inspecting homes for possible deed restriction violations. The person will log and photograph the violation and turn in the report to the MPCA Office. This position is a part time position usually about 25-30hours every other week. To apply for the position, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  3442 Hits
3442 Hits

Direct TV Satellite Warning

Someone needs to warn the community about Direct TV.   We had them come out and install Direct TV on Saturday.   When they left, we discovered that they had installed the satellite dish in clear view which is probably a deed restriction violation.  It doesn't look good a the very least.
So we called within 2 hours of installation and they said they'd come back and move it.   Then they said they'd only remove it if we got a deed restriction violation letter.  So we cancelled the service and now they say that we need to hire a satellite dish removal service to get rid of the thing. 
So please warn people that once they get a satellite dish installed by Direct TV, they are responsible to get it off their house and dispose of it.
We're working on it and are extremely unhappy with Direct TV.
~Concerned Neighbor
  3530 Hits
3530 Hits

Deed Restriction Violations unresolved as of July 31, 2016

Deed Violations not resolved as of July 31, 2016

 AC Units  2

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  3597 Hits
3597 Hits

August Pool Schedule


Cimarron Pool

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  3309 Hits
3309 Hits

RAD Women's Self Defense Course

Harris County Constables PCT 5 is offering a RAD Women's Self Defense to women of all ages. Classes are available now.

Please go to the link to register and get more information.

  3460 Hits
3460 Hits

SECURITY REPORT July 1, through July 31, 2016

Accident/Major  7

Accident/Minor  5

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  3023 Hits
3023 Hits

Board of Directors Election

In November, we will be having our annual election for 2 positions on the Board of Directors for a 3-year term beginning January 2017. If you are interested in running for one of these positions, please submit a short bio to the office, which will be published in our monthly newsletter, The Parkscripts. We need to know your intentions before August 15, 2016 in order to include your name on the proxy ballot. 

  3203 Hits
3203 Hits

National Neighbor's Night Out

Join us for a cook out at the Cimarron Parkway Pool for National Neighbor's Night Out! Come meet your neighbor's and your local constables. We will have hot dogs, drinks, and dessert. The pool will be open for the kiddos to swim!

  3247 Hits
3247 Hits

July Pool Hours


Cimarron Pool

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  3639 Hits
3639 Hits

SECURITY REPORT June 1, 2016, through July 1, 2016

SECURITY REPORT June 1, 2016, through July 1, 2016

911 Hang Up                                           1

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  3258 Hits
3258 Hits

Deed Violations not resolved as of MAY 31, 2016

Deed Violations not resolved as of MAY 31, 2016
 AC Units      1
 Basketball goals/equipment      1
 Decorative Items           4
 Driveway repair 8
 Exterior repairs/Rotten wood   74
 Fence repair           10
 Gutters/clean/repairs 35
 Garbage/Trash Cans in view 15 
 Garage door repair 9    
 Grass parking 3
 Grass in concrete seams 15
 Home operated business 1
 Holiday Lighting/decorations 8
 Lawn Maintenance/dead tree                 3
 Lawn Maintenance – mowing             87
 Lawn Maintenance/re-sod                   29
 Lawn Maintenance – stumps           15          
 Lawn Maintenance – trimming         6
 Mail Box Repair/Replacement           6
 Mold/mildew       95
 Outdoor lamp repair/paint           3  
 Exterior Paint 151
 Roof repair 2
 Stored items                     32
 Sidewalk/Driveway repair         25
 Unapproved Colors          14
 Unapproved Construction 1
 Vehicles/stored         9
 Vehicle repairs                                       2
 Window treatment                 10
  3445 Hits
3445 Hits

June Pool Schedule


Cimarron and Highland Knolls Pool Open

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  3644 Hits
3644 Hits

Security Report May

SECURITY REPORT May 1, 2016 to May 31, 2016

911 Hang Up                                           1

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  3826 Hits
3826 Hits

Recent Flood Reporting Form

If you have suffered damage to your home or business during the recent flooding, please fill out the damage report with Harris County. 


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  3667 Hits
3667 Hits

Splash Day 2016


Join us for the best neighborhood party of the year, SPLASH DAY!! 

Saturday, June 11th from 12pm-4pm

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  3669 Hits
3669 Hits

May's Pool Schedule

Pool Schedule


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  3605 Hits
3605 Hits

Get Your Pool ID's Validated


 It is time to get your Pool ID's renewed for the upcoming swim season. You can drop them off at the MPCA Office Monday-Friday between 9am and 5pm. We also have a drop slot in the office door that you can put them in if you cannot make it during office hours. We will be open three additional times in May to help accomodate your busy schedule. We will be open Tuesday, May 3rd and 17th from 7pm-8pm and Saturday, May 14th from 10am-12pm. If you are new to the neighborhood and do not already have MPCA ID's you will need to fill out the ID form and drop it off at the office. 

  3624 Hits
3624 Hits

May Board Meeting Notice


    The Memorial Parkway HOA Board of Directors will be meeting Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 7pm in the MPCA Clubhouse on Cimarron Parkway. All homeowners are welcome to attend. 

  4400 Hits
4400 Hits




Hang-up 1
Accident Minor 4
Alarm Local 6
Animal Aggressive 2
Animal/Humane               4
Assault 2
Assault/Sex Child 1
Compliance Check 1  
Contract Checks                  307
Credit Card Abuse 1
Disturbance/Family 7
Disturbance/Juvenile 1
Disturbance/Loud Noise 2
Disturbance/Other 8
Follow Up 5
Forgery 1
Fraudulent Use of ID 3
Illegal Dumping 1
Incident Report 4
Information call 48
Meet the citizen/officer 26
Neighbor/Parking Check
Open door/window 4
Runaway 1
Sex Offender Verification 3
Special Assignment 1
Stranded Motor vehicle 1
Suspicious Person 4
Terroristic Threat 1
Traffic Initiative 8
Traffic Hazard 2
Traffic Stops 27
  Arrests                   2     
  Citations                7
  Information           3
  Warnings              12
Unk Medical Emergency 6
Vacation Watch 19
Vehicle Abandoned 1
Vehicle/Repossession 2
Vehicle Suspicious 7
Warrant Service 5
  3201 Hits
3201 Hits

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