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Notice from HC

We see a lot of unhappy comments about the HOA requesting that homeowners/residents keep the street curb clean from leaves, grass and debris...
Please see the email we just received from Harris County in regards to such a matter. "We had our crew out at ___ Park ___ on Wednesday and they have eliminated the standing water issue. Feedback from our crew informed us that the residents that live at this address let leaves and grass clippings accumulate in the gutter line of the curb, which adds to the standing water issue. If you would, could you reach out to these residents and let them know about this issue? If the curb is kept clean of debris, the issue should be eliminated altogether. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email me."
As we all know we live in a area that is prone to street flooding. Standing water is also a health issue as it breeds mosquitoes. Just a friendly reminder to include the street curb in your lawn maintenance duties. We really appreciate everyone's help in this matter. Thank You!!
City of Corpus Christi has some other good information on this matter also.
Jet Band March - A - Thon
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